Cutting-edge solutions for combatting ORC

As a leading retail crime intelligence platform, Auror is revolutionizing how retailers combat organized retail crime (ORC). Auror helps retailers report, solve, and prevent crime, reducing violence and loss in communities. Auror Vice President of Retail Partnerships, Bobby Haskins, envisions a future where the industry collaborates more efficiently, leveraging cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of ORC, ultimately ensuring safer and more profitable retail environments.

Data-driven offender tracking

Auror leverages data from various retailers to identify and track the most prolific offenders, responsible for the majority of retail crime and violence. Traditional methods have retailers manually tracking incidents. Auror automates this process, allowing retailers to focus on the most critical 10% of offenders, implementing strategies to deter and apprehend them effectively.

Law enforcement collaboration

By integrating license plate recognition (LPR) technology, Auror enables retailers to monitor vehicles associated with repeat offenders, enhancing situational awareness and preemptive actions. Auror recently launched a platform specifically for law enforcement, allowing for direct collaboration with retailers.

Future outlook

In the next five years, Auror aims to unify retailers and law enforcement on a single platform, enhancing collaboration and data sharing. This integrated approach is expected to save time, focus on habitual offenders, and drive significant reductions in retail crime. Additionally, advancements in video analytics will further streamline the identification and tracking of suspicious behaviors.


Enhancing security with facial recognition


Industry legends on ORC and leadership