Inside NRF Protect 2024

NRF Protect brings together retail security leaders from across the country. Held in Long Beach this year, the conference boasts over 2,200 attendees, surpassing last year's turnout.

The Core Mission: Prevent, Protect, Prevail

NRF Protect focused on three key themes: Prevent, Protect, and Prevail**.** These themes encapsulate the conference's mission to address today's threats while anticipating future challenges. David Johnston, VP of asset protection and retail operations at the National Retail Federation, highlighted that organized retail crime is multifaceted, impacting various functions from cybersecurity to loss prevention. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the conference fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing to strengthen defenses against these crimes.

Collaboration is Key

One of the most significant advantages of NRF Protect is the opportunity for attendees to network and collaborate. Johnston pointed out that while criminals are highly organized, events like this enable the "good guys" to coordinate efforts and share successful strategies. This collective approach is crucial for tackling sophisticated crime syndicates.

Highlights and Insights

Johnston shared his excitement about the conference's diverse sessions, which cover both strategic and tactical topics. Presentations range from security operation centers to combating cybercrime and digital fraud. Notably, one session features a former perpetrator of organized retail crime, providing a unique perspective on prevention and detection.

Looking Ahead

Johnston's parting words encapsulate the spirit of NRF Protect: success means improving collaboration, keeping people safe, and staying ahead of evolving threats. By fostering a broader understanding of the challenges and solutions, NRF Protect aims to enhance industry-wide resilience.


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