Revising California’s Proposition 47

Established over 70 years ago, the California District Attorney's Association (CDAA) represents 3,500 prosecutors statewide, including 56 elected district attorneys. Beyond professional training, the association serves as a vital advocacy platform, engaging with policymakers on issues crucial to law enforcement and crime victims. In episode 11, we speak with Greg Totten, CEO at the CDAA, about their work to revise Proposition 47 in pursuit of improved public safety.

Unintended consequences of Prop 47

Proposition 47, a 2014 initiative that reclassified certain property crimes and narcotics offenses as misdemeanors, has lead to unintended consequences. With a surge in retail theft, cargo theft, and drug-related incidents, California faces mounting challenges, including a drastic increase in homelessness rates.

The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act

Recognizing the urgent need for reform, Totten and his coalition crafted the Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act. This proposed ballot measure aims to amend Proposition 47, restoring the ability to prosecute repeat offenders of retail theft as felons and addressing issues related to drug possession and trafficking.

A bipartisan endeavor

Totten emphasized the bipartisan nature of the coalition supporting the ballot measure. The amendment has broad-based support from law enforcement agencies, businesses, and community organizations, transcending partisan divides and uniting Californians in a common goal to enhance public safety and address societal challenges.

Forging a safer future

In the face of evolving crime trends and public safety concerns, the battle against organized retail crime demands a multifaceted approach rooted in collaboration, innovation, and determination. Through initiatives like the Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act, California strives to pave the way for a safer, more resilient future for all its citizens.

To learn more about the initiative and show your support, visit


Uniting against organized retail crime


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